Full Testament of Youth in High Quality Video
Now you can watch full Testament of Youth in top quality with duration 120 Min and has been aired on 2014-10-14 with MPAA rating is 3.- Original Title : Testament of Youth
- Movie title in your country : Testament of Youth
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Drama, History, War,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-10-14
- Companies of movie : Heyday Films, BBC Films,
- Countries of movie :
- Language of movie :
- Durationof movie : 120 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.2
- Youtube ID of movie : e3e2nNNJ7-4
- Translation of movie : EN,
- Cast of movie :
- Alicia Vikander ( Vera Brittain )
- Kit Harington ( Roland Leighton )
- Hayley Atwell ( Hope )
- Dominic West ( Mr. Brittain )
- Emily Watson ( Mrs. Brittain )
- Colin Morgan ( Victor Richardson )
- Anna Chancellor ( Mrs. Leighton )
- Miranda Richardson ( Miss Lorimer )
- Taron Egerton ( Edward Brittain )
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Movie synopsis of Testament of Youth :
Full Streaming Testament of Youth in HD Quality with movie synopsis "Vera Brittain, irrepressible, intelligent and free-minded, overcomes the prejudices of her family and hometown to win a scholarship to Oxford. With everything to live for, she falls in love with her brother’s close friend Roland Leighton as they go to university to pursue their literary dreams. But the First World War is looming and as the boys leave for the front Vera realises she cannot sit idly by as her peers fight for their country, so volunteers as a nurse. She works tirelessly, experiencing all the grief of war, as one by one her closest friends are all killed and the pillars of her world shattered. But, an indefatigable spirit, Vera endures, rediscovers love and returns to Oxford, irrevocably changed, yet determined to create a world in which such a war can never take place again." in HD video. Download full Testament of Youth in HD Quality by visiting the download link.
Director : James Kent, Producer : David Heyman, Producer : Rosie Alison, Cinematography : Rosie Alison, Editor : Lucia Zucchetti, Casting : Lucy Bevan, Production Design : Lucy Bevan, Writer : Juliette Towhidi,
Sure, now you can watch movie regarding Testament of Youth 100 % length and obtain the hyperlink to this film Testament of Youth in top video format.
Tags: based on autobiography, world war,
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