Download Full Kis uykusu in Best Video Format
Now you can play full Kis uykusu in HD format with duration 196 Min and was published in 2014-06-13 with MPAA rating is 16.- Original Title : Kis uykusu
- Movie title in your country : Kis uykusu
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-06-13
- Companies of movie : Memento Films Production, Zeynofilm, Bredok Filmproduction,
- Countries of movie : Germany, France, Turkey,
- Language of movie : Turkçe, English,
- Durationof movie : 196 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.8
- Youtube ID of movie : IMN4KX6BIpY
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,ES,TR,FR,IT,ZH,RU,
- Cast of movie :
Name Character Haluk Bilginer : Aydin Melisa Sozen : Nihal Demet Akbağ : Necla Ayberk Pekcan : Hidayet Serhat Mustafa Kiliç : Hamdi Tamer Levent : Suavi Nejat İşler : Nadir Sarıbacak : Levent
Movie summary of Kis uykusu :
Release Kis uykusu in Top Video Format with movie summary "Aydin, a retired actor, owns a small hotel in central Anatolia with his young wife Nihal and his sister Necla, who is coping with her recent divorce. During the winter, snow covers the ground and boredom brings the return of old memories, pushing Aydin to flee…" in top quality. Free Kis uykusu in High Definition Format by clicking the button above.
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Now you can enjoy Kis uykusu in HD video. Watch full Kis uykusu film with single fill in the style by clicking on the image in the sign upwards button. Enjoy the many albums new movie using all much-loved movie surging! only play this movie Kis uykusu now for full access this online movie. This really is truly spectacular and could among those rare remarkable. The excellent was great around. Management, photographs and image effects ended up all quite innovative and also brilliant. The pleasure from the script, often humorous and has a great deal of heart for all those his characters are all very well developed.
Director : Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Writer : Ebru Ceylan, Writer : Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Producer : Zeynep Ozbatur Atakan,
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